Dr Serge LANDEN. Digestive and general surgery.


In developed countries a quarter of the population is overweight and this now stands out as the most significant challenge to public health in the coming years. Severe obesity also called morbid obesity concerns 5% of the population and is defined as a body mass index equal or superior to 35. Body Mass Index can be calculated by dividing an individual’s weight by the square of his height in metres. (weight (kg) / height (m)²)

A BMI of 35 can negatively impact health :

  • fig9 300ENdiseases such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, arthritis and cancer are likelier
  • life expectancy is decreased
  • quality of life is poorer
  • health costs are increased

In severely obese individuals the traditional measures such as diet, exercise and behavioural therapy have been shown to be ineffective in achieving durable weight loss. Aside from the costs involved patients often become discouraged seeing that their efforts are not rewarded. At that point the patient can either accept his condition or recourse to surgery.

Among the various surgical procedures, gastic banding is one that reduces the volume of food that can be ingested. Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy involve other mechanisms such as malabsorption and cerebral inhibition in addition to food volume reduction. All can be performed by a minimally invasive approach. (keyhole)

GASTRIC BANDING is easiest to perform, requiring just an overnight stay in hospital. It can be adjusted during office visits according to weight loss and food tolerance. Loss of 50% of excess weight can be expected after 2 years. Failures (20%) as defined by insufficient weight loss are due inadequate eating habits and less frequently to band displacement. Long term postoperative follow-up is essential.

Bypass Dr Landen

* Gastric bypass

Section estomac Dr Landen

* Sleeve Gastrectomy

GASTRIC BYPASS reduces the stomach volume but also length of small bowel involved with food absorption. It is a more elaborate procedure and requires a 3-4 day hospitalization. It is particularly indicated in patients with heartburn, nibblers as opposed to bulk eaters, sweet eaters and patients unwilling to accept any alimentary constraints. It is also used following failed gastric banding. Weight loss is superior to gastric banding and patients can expect to loose 60-75% of excess weight within 6 months after surgery.

SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY  yields similar results to gastric bypass but is simpler to perform.


Gastric Band
Gastric Bypass   Sleeve Gastrectomy
Hospital  stay 2 days 3 days 3 days
Risk of surgery
very low
low low
Excess weight loss
50% within 2 yrs 60-75% / 6 months 60-75% / 6 months
Eating pleasure
medium-good good good
Vit. deficiencies
rare supplements needed rare

Surgery often brings spectacular improvement of patients’ physical and psychological well-being. Diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipemia, poor sleep caused by snoring and joint pain improve or disappear within weeks and months, enabling the patient to engage in physical activity. Self esteem is boosted along with social life and professional activity.

Patients are taken charge of before and after surgery by our centre at DELTA hospital dedicated to obesity. The centre groups in a single location all the specialists that are involved in the treatment of obesity allowing a global and personalized approach to each patient. At present more than 500 patients are operated each year which makes it the largest referral centre in Belgium.

Figures courtesy of Johnson & Johnson

 Dr Serge Landen - www.drlanden.be

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Domaines d'interventions du Dr Landen

  • Reflux

    La chirurgie viendra en aide particulièrement en cas de soulagement incomplet par les médicaments, de récidive, de refus du médicament à vie, d' oesophagite sévère ou compliquée ...

    Voir la suite

  • Colon et Rectum

    Le colon et le rectum peuvent être le siège de tumeurs et d’inflammations qui nécessitent un geste chirurgical...

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  • Vésicule

    La présence de calculs au sein de la vésicule biliaire peut être responsable de douleurs (coliques hépatiques) et de complications

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  • La Chirurgie de l’Obésité

    Avec 25% de la population qui présente une surcharge pondérale, l’obésité se profile comme un des défis sanitaires majeurs du siècle.

    Voir la suite

  • Hernies

    La réparation laparoscopique des hernies de l’aine constitue une avancée chirurgicale majeure qui a réduit de manière spectaculaire les douleurs postopératoires, la durée d’invalidité ainsi que le taux de récidive...

    Voir la suite

  • Hémorroïdes

    Le but de la chirurgie sera de lier les vaisseaux sanguins responsables des hémorroïdes et d’enlever l’excédent de peau au pourtour de l’anus...

    Voir la suite