Dr Serge LANDEN. Digestive and general surgery.


Medical fees

When scheduling your hospitalization, you will be asked the type of room you wish to
occupy: common or private room.

Please note that no additional medical fees will be charged in a shared room. As a result, patients covered by their mutual insurance company but not having hospitalization insurance subscribed to privately or through their employer usually opt for a common room.

Patients with hospitalization insurance are free to choose a private room that offers them the following advantages:

• Superior hotel comfort with unlimited visits during the day and the possibility of staying overnight for an accompanying person

• Preferred order of passage in the operating program

• Direct telephone access to the surgeon and anesthesiologist 24/24 - 7/7 in case of questions or concerns.

• Personalized management by the surgeon 24/24 - 7/7 in case of readmission of his patient through the emergency room. The other patients are seen by the emergency physician and taken care of, if necessary, by the surgeon on call

As the reimbursement conditions for hospitalization insurance vary from one contract to another, Dr Landen and all the members of his team (anesthetist, assistants) undertake not to apply additional medical fees higher than those covered by your hospitalization insurance regardless of the conditions of the contract. This commitment is firm and it appears on the admission document signed together by the patient and the surgeon. If you are not familiar with the terms of your contract, you can call free of charge the Personalized Administrative Unit of the Delta hospital which will contact your insurance and mutual fund for you and will thus be able to provide you with precise information.

Personalized Administrative Unit
02/434 40 43
02/434 40 41
Hôpital Delta
Boulevard du triomphe, 201
1160 Bruxelles
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 Dr Serge Landen - www.drlanden.be

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Domaines d'interventions du Dr Landen

  • Reflux

    La chirurgie viendra en aide particulièrement en cas de soulagement incomplet par les médicaments, de récidive, de refus du médicament à vie, d' oesophagite sévère ou compliquée ...

    Voir la suite

  • Colon et Rectum

    Le colon et le rectum peuvent être le siège de tumeurs et d’inflammations qui nécessitent un geste chirurgical...

    Voir la suite

  • Vésicule

    La présence de calculs au sein de la vésicule biliaire peut être responsable de douleurs (coliques hépatiques) et de complications

    Voir la suite

  • La Chirurgie de l’Obésité

    Avec 25% de la population qui présente une surcharge pondérale, l’obésité se profile comme un des défis sanitaires majeurs du siècle.

    Voir la suite

  • Hernies

    La réparation laparoscopique des hernies de l’aine constitue une avancée chirurgicale majeure qui a réduit de manière spectaculaire les douleurs postopératoires, la durée d’invalidité ainsi que le taux de récidive...

    Voir la suite

  • Hémorroïdes

    Le but de la chirurgie sera de lier les vaisseaux sanguins responsables des hémorroïdes et d’enlever l’excédent de peau au pourtour de l’anus...

    Voir la suite